Saturday, March 7, 2009


After counting down on Chemo for 9 days, we finally arrived at day zero, Friday 6th March. The day started with Aimee, the donor, being at Middleton day surgery at 7.45am. The trouble with being on an emergency theatre list is that you never know whether you'll be in early, or late. Aimee was finally called into surgery at 1.10 pm. Dad went with her, while Mum stayed here with me. I was still feeling sick. I am still on the antibiotics, and now I'm having an anti rejection drug called Cyclosporon. I have to have it 24/7 for while ever I'm in hospital, and by tablets when I get out. I have a sore ear, my back sometimes hurts, and I feel sick a lot of the time. After they harvested Aimee's bone marrow, they took it to the lab to "count the cells" and check it over, and they had it back here to me about 3.30pm. Aimee woke up from the anaesthetic about 2.50pm, and the nurses told Dad to come in. The infusion of the bone marrow, otherwise known as the transplant, started about 4.00pm. Aimee was still having her post op check over, but arrived by Dad powered wheelchair at 4.30pm. I had a nurse with me the whole time they were infusing. I'd been given some drugs to help me tolerate the infusion. I haven't been able to eat much for many weeks, and even my tube feeds have been stopped for the last few days because I just can't keep anything down. Now it's day plus 1, Saturday 7th March, and while I don't feel very well, the doctors are pleased with how it's all going. Aimee is pretty sore, but otherwise ok.

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