Saturday, April 4, 2009

My first 0.5

Well I did it. I did hit 0.5 neutrophils today, but it hasn't been all that smooth. The nausea today has been pretty bad. They are trying to wean me off all these drugs, and Ondansatron is one of them. I had a go at not having it today, but I felt too yucky, so they gave me some again and I went to sleep. My other counts haven't changed. I had 1.5 white cells and 94 haemoglobin (red cells). Platelets still need a top up every second day, or even every day. Maybe it was Elly's chanting that did it. Good on ya Elly.

Let's hope I can do it again tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Haha

    Good on team eliza and elly

    Maybe it was my chanting

